Because you can NEVER have too many hospital bracelets |
Last week, I felt like crap. Lethargic, cranky, It was a struggle to get up and go to work every day. By Thursday I knew I had serious issues, so I took Friday off and started making phone calls. My oncologist told me to get to the nearest ER immediately, which I did. My Hemoglobin was at "4" and its supposed to be at "12."
I ended up getting another blood transfusion, an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy, but this time they figured out I was losing blood from bleeding ulcers in my stomach. I'm on all kinds of new medication. And was finally released in time to see the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Whoot!
Steve is finally out of the neck brace and is back in graduate school. We had great plans for a Labor Day barbeque/anniversary celebration until I ended up in the hospital.
19 years married - September 5. We'll have rice pudding by candlelight and count our blessings.
We're counting our blessing, too!
We were there all those many years ago for that beautiful Colorado wedding! I remember it like it was...well,nearly 20 years ago! Isn't it strange what live/fate/God throws our way? In the end though we just deal with it. Now, I happen to know Ms.Box-Johnson that you had some pretty good times this summer. So pretty good is better than no good times, right?
Wish we lived closer so we could help you celebrate your anniversary, Brenda! So glad you are out of the hospital and free to be your cranky, wonderful self at home with your loving husband. And,glad Steve is out of his neck brace! Geez, you two. What a pair! I wouldn't trade you for anything. Love to you both, Diane and Michael
Here's to a fall that leaves suckiness behind.
Hey, one of my blessings was getting to spend some time with you recently. We even found good parking. We drank from tall glasses! Congratulations on the anniversary. I remember that wedding fondly. Here's to fall and to you feeling better. Love, Felicia.
We need to get you the t-shirt that says, "Cancer, You Picked the Wrong Bitch." And hell yeah for still blogging about it.
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