Monday, February 22, 2010

Cancer Bitch as Pin Cushion

Seriously? They could find a vein but couldn't put the needle in for chemo?

5 times???? And it took 2 different lab techs? While I was jumping out of the seat with each jab of the needle, Steve demanded to see a doctor, someone who could tell us why they could stick a needle in my vein but not be able to do anything else. Miraculously, after his demand, they found a vein. Needless to say, after today's torture session, my arm is black and blue.

I had to include a photo ( and a "Thank You") of some of the tokens that were given by friends - cards, angels, scarves and a big Teddy bear. Still don't know who sent the profane Valentine's day bear. That calls for some investigative journalism.....

PS: Today's Horoscope for Libras was a hoot!

"You're willing to take risks with your physical image. After all, hair usually grows back. And you can always change your clothes. You might purchase a treatment or product to amplify your natural beauty."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cancer Bitch Rocks a new 'do

It's official - I have truly regressed.

After experiencing massive cataclysmic hair loss on Monday, I bought a wig today. I haven't worn a page boy in decades.

This, the acne outbreak and the American University hoodie makes me kind of believe I'm moving backward through time.....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cancer Bitch is Fine

This was a surprise. Saturday I got a package containing a little stuffed bear with a mouthy heart. No note, no indication of who sent it.

Just know I LOVE IT!

It came from Love is Lame, which has a number of seriously bent products.

Did the trip to Johns Hopkins today - this time no traffic, no snow worries, and we were in and out of there in record time.

Its my first Momless Monday in two weeks, and I'm missing her, but she's got a life to get back to. She's the one who taught me to keep busy in the first place!

Haven't lost a dread yet - but I'm noticing bald patches in between so I'm now trying to teach myself how to rock a scarf. Did you know they give you prescriptions for wigs?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cancer Bitch and Snowpocalypse 3: The Snowening

Yeah, you could say that we're laughing in the face of cancer. Or you could look closely and see that those are candy cigarettes.

Had a wild ride to Johns Hopkins yesterday for my third treatment. We left at 6:30am. Roads were snowpacked, cars spun out everywhere. Steve got us in at 8:45 am.

Guess what? Their staff didn't make it. The trial nurse was no where to be found, not enough people in the lab.

We didn't leave Baltimore until almost 5pm. Came straight home and got in the bed.

So far, the chemo has exhausted me and caused nausea, but I haven't lost my hair. Yet. Every day I wake up and yank a dread just to see. Don't want to lose them while walking around in public. I also now have the complexion of a hormonal teenager. Damn.

Mom and I watched movies all weekend, including "Something the Lord Made." While were at Johns Hopkins I showed her the Blalock Wing - didnt get a chance to see the portraits, though...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cancer Bitch- Angels in America

First an update. Second chemo at Johns Hopkins yesterday. Had to be there at 8:30am, hence at 630am departure. This time I remembered my I-Pod and I tried lying there doing guided meditations, but there was too much background noise. I ended up closing my eyes and rocking out to the "Black Eye Peas" and "Lady Gaga" among others. When I heard Steve and Mom laughing, I figured maybe I shouldn't sing along.....

This time after chemo I was completely wiped out. Slept the whole way home, most of the afternoon, and made myself wake up at 9pm to fight sleepiness and nausea for 2 hours until I finally went to bed. The bad news yesterday, found out I have to give up liquor, fatty foods, and grapefruit. The good news - can't pick up after the dog anymore!

Sometimes I get so caught up in illness I forget about the good things that have resulted, and the angels that are in my life. So, in lieu of a proper "Thank You" card -

Thanks to those who sent scarves for my pending baldness;

Thanks to everyone who sent books - I'm still not convinced you-know-who actually finished "Game Change;"

Thanks for my stuffed bear and the clothing to replace my baggy pants;

Thanks to everyone who has taken us out to lunch and dinner;

Thanks for my private yoga lesson - I'm continuing to practice on an online site;

Thanks for the home delivery of Trader Joe's Italian Blood Orange Soda;

Thanks for all of the cards and letters;

Thank you for my invisible posse.

"Cancer Bitch" may just have to change her name to "Blessed." Then again, that just might be the Oxycodeine talking......